
REDONDO BEACH : Council Wants Laws on Weapons Loosened

City officials want state lawmakers to know they’re fed up with crime.

City Council members voted Tuesday to place a measure on the March ballot that would advise the state Legislature that they want to loosen the laws restricting concealed weapons permits.

To carry a concealed weapon, a resident must now prove that he or she is more susceptible to crime than the average person due to a dangerous job or because of being stalked in the past. Police chiefs decide who will get permits.

But the council voted 3 to 2 to advise state officials it would like the law changed to include anyone who has a general fear of crime and who passes a firearms safety course. Councilmen Stevan Colin and Robert Pinzler opposed the measure. If passed, the advisory measure would not change the law.


Six residents of Redondo Beach now have permits to carry concealed weapons.
