
Proposition 186

* I am very concerned with the false impression that might be left with readers of your Proposition 186 article “Vast Scope May Undermine Health Care Initiative,” Oct. 5.

If legislation as comprehensive in its scope and purpose as Proposition 186 takes only 10 minutes to explain, then it has to be very, very simple. It is. My copy of the proposition is only 80 typewritten pages long and very easily read.

I have taken my 10 minutes to explain it to more than 200 people at house parties over the past few weeks and the guests understand very well. It is time for a change--to a simple, single-payer health-care system that gives us security, accountability and the ability to control costs.




* In the extensive article on Proposition 186, why wasn’t it made clear that the $60 billion now coming into the state for various health and medical programs would be shifted into the single-payer fund?


Manhattan Beach
