
Farber Communications Director Prince Abruptly Quits Campaign

Jim Prince, the communications director for Democratic congressional candidate Mike Farber, resigned unexpectedly from the campaign Monday, with only three weeks remaining before the Nov. 8 election.

“I have decided for personal reasons to go to another campaign,” Prince said.

Prince, a former Capitol Hill staffer, served as the issues and media director for Farber since July, when Farber’s campaign underwent a major reorganization to jump start its fight to unseat incumbent Rep. Robert K. Dornan (R-Garden Grove) in the 46th Congressional District.

He would not elaborate on his reasons for leaving the campaign. He also declined to say which campaign he was moving to because details were pending.


But Prince said the decision to leave the Orange County race was his own.

Maureen Toal, a spokeswoman for the Farber campaign, said Prince’s departure was the result of a slight campaign reorganization and a difference of opinion over shifting priorities.

With the election just three weeks away, Toal said, the campaign wanted to focus on “field work” and direct voter contact.

“Most of the people are going to be going into the field and (Prince) was not comfortable doing issues and field work,” she said.
