
SBA Is Continuing to Overlook the Little Guy

Further proof that the Small Business Administration is still out of touch with the real world:

While rejecting two out of three applications from the Valley’s shellshocked small-business owners desperately trying to piece their lives and futures back together, these bureaucratic bimbos are sponsoring “How To Start a Small Business” seminars!

Why not take this pork-belly waste of tax dollars and loan it to small businesses to rebuild?


How could these Washington wonder boys overlook the Van Nuys swap meet, which supported 280 stores with more than 1,000 employees and 1,200 sub-vendors with 8,000 employees?

Not to mention more than $250,000 in tax dollars not collected by these stores this year, because the swap meet remains closed for lack of SBA approval.

Better still, just take the word small out of the title and replace it with something more true to life. Then it could be referred to as the BBA: Big Business Assn.



Canoga Park

Rowe owns the Elvis Only gift shop at the Van Nuys swap meet.
