
A summary of selected City Hall actions this week affecting central Los Angeles.


* LOW-INCOME HOUSING PROJECT: Authorized the Housing Department to issue a $196,000 loan to Esperanza Community Housing Corp., a nonprofit organization that recently renovated the four-unit Maple Mae low-income housing project at 2902 S. Maple Ave. The money will be used to pay off a loan that Esperanza used to pay for the renovation, much of which was done by youths from the Los Angeles Conservation Corps. The work included landscaping, painting and installation of new carpeting.

* LAS PALOMAS HOTEL: Authorized the city’s Housing Department to issue a $2.1-million loan to a nonprofit group, A Community of Friends, for rehabilitation of the Las Palomas Hotel at 2203 E. 1st St. The hotel, built in 1925, is vacant and severely dilapidated. A Community of Friends, created to provide housing for homeless and mentally disabled people, plans to renovate the hotel. Work will include seismic reinforcement, lead and asbestos abatement, upgrading plumbing and adding bathrooms to each room.

* TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF ALLEY: Initiated proceedings to have the alley next to the 1600 block of South St. Andrews Place temporarily closed to deter a variety of problems, including drug trafficking, prostitution, loitering and dumping of trash. Residents in the area have submitted a petition to Councilman Nate Holden’s office requesting that the alley be closed with gates. As a formality, the motion first has to have the approval of the Board of Public Works, which is expected soon.



How South-Central and Eastside City Council representatives voted on selected issues.

* FEDERAL GRANT FOR BUSINESS STUDY: Authorized the city’s director of planning to accept a $1.2-million grant from the federal government to fund a study of ways to create incentives for businesses to locate near bus and subway stops. Increasing business traffic around those stops presumably would increase public transit ridership. Passed 12-0. Voting yes: Richard Alatorre, Jackie Goldberg, Mike Hernandez, Nate Holden, Mark Ridley-Thomas, Rudy Svorinich Jr. Absent: Rita Walters.

* FUNDS FOR CHILD-CARE CENTER: Authorized the Community Development Department to issue $167,751 to Children’s Collective Inc. for the formation of a child-care center at the Youth Opportunities Unlimited Alternative High School at 943 W. 85th St. The center is to serve 16 children. Passed 12-0. Voting yes: Alatorre, Goldberg, Hernandez, Holden, Ridley-Thomas. Absent: Svorinich, Walters.
