
Illegal Immigration

I read with disbelief Brian O’Leary Bennett’s suggestion (Commentary, Oct. 7) that Californians look to Washington for a solution to the illegal immigration crisis.

As a veteran of Washington politics, Bennett knows the liberal Democrat majority in Congress will never allow a vote to exclude illegal aliens from any government program. I and my Republican colleagues from California have proposed dozens of bills and amendments aimed at controlling illegal immigration. Liberal Democrats have used every parliamentary trick imaginable to prevent needed reforms from being voted on, much less enacted. Similar legislation in Sacramento has fallen victim to liberal legislative roadblocks as well.

California voters are rightly addressing the issue by placing Prop. 187, the “Save Our State” initiative, on the November ballot. Prop. 187 doesn’t demonize immigrants, nor stigmatize anyone. The question is simple: Should illegal aliens be entitled to free education, housing, medical and other government benefits provided at taxpayer expense?


The only answer that makes sense is no. We can no longer afford to provide a treasure chest of benefits to every person who manages to cross our borders illegally. If we continue this giveaway, we do so to the detriment of our own citizens and legal residents. For instance, the WIC (Women, Infant and Children) program provides benefits to only 75% of eligible mothers, yet illegal aliens continue to receive benefits. Every illegal alien serviced knocks an American or legal resident out of the program.

Suggesting that taxpayer-funded government programs should benefit our own citizens and legal immigrants is not hateful or nativist. The American dream is available to almost a million legal immigrants a year. Spending California, and America, into bankruptcy to provide benefits to illegal aliens denies everyone the opportunity America offers. And that hurts immigrants and citizens alike.


R-Huntington Beach
