
Orange County Fans’ Choices

Movie (National ranking) Weekend Gross Screens/Avg. (Studio) (National) (National) 1. The Specialist (1) $229,052 19/$12,055 (Warner Brothers) ($14.3 million) (2,522/$5,677) 2. The River Wild (2) $146,045 21/$6,954 (Universal) ($7.1 million) (2,116/$3,360) 3. Only You (3) $113,737 14/$7,981 (Tri Star ($5.7 million) (1,600/$3,570) 4. The Shawshank Redemption (8) $47,237 6/$7,872 (Columbia) ($1.96 million) (328/$6,002) 5. Ed Wood (9) $44,737 12/$3,728 (Buena Vista) ($1.9 million) (623/$3,056 )

Movie (National ranking) Weeks (Studio) Released 1. The Specialist (1) 1 (Warner Brothers) 2. The River Wild (2) 2 (Universal) 3. Only You (3) 1 (Tri Star 4. The Shawshank Redemption (8) 3 (Columbia) 5. Ed Wood (9) 2 (Buena Vista)

Estimated from data supplied, as of press time, by Exibitor Relations Co.
