
Prop. 187 Unacceptable in Free Society

The Times story “Prop. 187 Foes’ Strategy Has a Twist” (Sept. 26) omits some important information.

It fails to mention that Proposition 187 was written by Alan Nelson when he was the lobbyist for FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform). FAIR received $1 million from the Pioneer Fund. The Pioneer Fund advocates “selective breeding” as a means of improving the quality of race and gives financial support to organizations promoting the notion that the “purity” of the white race is endangered by “inferior genetic stock.”

We believe that as voters become more aware of the facts, more of them will oppose this initiative. If voters will read their ballot pamphlets, they will see that the California Legislative Analyst states: “The measure places at risk up to $15 billion annually in federal funding for education, health and welfare programs due to conflicts with federal requirements.”


Further, Proposition 187 would turn teachers and health workers into “snitches,” reporting children and patients to authorities, thus creating a police state atmosphere in California. This is unacceptable in a free society.


