
Council Refused Money on Principle

Mark Petracca (Letters, Sept. 25) is incorrect in his assertion that the Irvine City Council was “inconsistent” in turning down $500,000 in federal HUD Community Development Block Grant funds, while continuing city subsidies in processing local development plans.

Under the federal system established by the framers of the Constitution, decisions affecting local communities were intended to be made by local government representatives.

It was therefore appropriate for Irvine City Council members to allow a reduction on development fees to stimulate business.


There is no legitimate constitutional basis for most of the massive federal spending programs that have caused a national debt approaching $6.5 trillion. In “Bankruptcy 1995” Harry Figgie Jr. demonstrates that the time is near when all federal tax payments will go toward interest payments on this debt.

Refusing federal grant money was a collective act of principle by the Irvine City Council, not inconsistent with its previous actions.


Newport Beach
