
Agencies for Seniors to Share $1.1 Million

To keep programs for senior citizens on track, the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging has doled out $1.1 million in federal funds, focusing on groups providing food or social services.

Local organizations will use the funds to provide adult day care, delivered meals and visiting-nurse services. Other programs receiving money are aimed at preventing elder abuse and offering legal counsel to senior citizens.

The largest grants went to two meal programs run by the county’s social services agencies--Congregate Meals and Home Delivered Meals, which were awarded a total of $712,797. The Livingston Memorial Visiting Nurse Assn. received $20,000 to provide temporary care for senior citizens while family members are away.


In a separate series of grants, the Board of Supervisors divided $55,115 among 10 nonprofit agencies that will train low-income senior citizens to perform community service jobs.

The Thousand Oaks Library, Fillmore Senior Center, St. John’s Regional Medical Center and HELP of Ojai Inc. were among the groups splitting the money.
