
Countywide : Anti-Smog Efforts Win Recognition

The American Lung Assn. has passed out six awards for efforts to cut smog and air pollution.

The city of Anaheim placed first for its public awareness programs, which included anti-pollution poster contests for schoolchildren and ride-sharing plans for employees.

The association also handed out awards for outstanding achievement to McDonnell Douglas Aerospace, CalComp, Professional Community Management Inc., the Waterfront Hilton Beach Resort and UCI Medical Center for similar smog-reduction programs. The winners were among 136 local companies and governmental agencies that competed in the clean air contest, said association spokeswoman Diane Masseth-Jones.


She said the awards were to encourage companies and individuals to do their part to clean the air. Widespread cooperation is important because statistics show that living in Southern California is like being a light smoker in terms of its effects on the body.

She said that often “people don’t realize that air affects their health. Programs like these help reduce emissions and let people know what to do when it is smoggy to help health.”

Association officials honored the winners of its Clean Air Week Corporate Competition during an awards ceremony at the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana last week.
