
Hitting a note high enough to shatter...

Hitting a note high enough to shatter your wallet: Michael Modes of Hollywood notes that ads for the coming Carreras-Domingo-Pavarotti concert at Dodger Stadium refer to the event as “Three Tenors.” But, he adds, inasmuch as the cheapest ticket for the July 16 hootenanny costs a mere $310, “it should be called ‘Three C-Notes.’ ”


Maybe you’ll be able to buy nachos by the chip: We haven’t heard how much other items will cost for the Three C-Notes. But we do know that a $310 general admission price is about 50 times as high as a comparable seat for a Dodger game. A similar increase for the concessions would yield these prices that night at Dodger Stadium:

* Dodger Dog: $125 each.

* Peanuts (double-bagger): $62.50.

* Beer (16 oz.): $175.

* Popcorn (32 oz.): $100.

* Crackerjacks: $62.50.

* Malt: $87.50.

* Soft drinks: $75 (16 oz.), $87.50 (20 oz.), $200 (32 oz.).

* Nachos: $125 (regular), $187.50 (super).

* Pretzel: (soft), $75.

* Parking: $200 (per car), $550 (per bus).

Maybe we have it all wrong though. Maybe the advertised ticket prices of $310, $512 and $1,012 are really in lira.



Come to the desert island of L.A., mon: John Price sent along a flyer from a Pasadena eatery that contained a prophetic forecast of the heat wave.


Taps: After the U.S. team’s 1-0 defeat by Romania on Sunday, local partisans were naturally downcast. There was no sign of the motorist in a shiny blue hatchback who had cruised up and down Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena after the Americans’ previous win over Colombia. He had attracted some attention because, while driving, he would lean out his window every now and then to play “The Star-Spangled Banner”--on his trumpet.


But back to popcorn: Your columnist visited a movie theater in Long Beach, whose one-digit ticket prices are more in our range. We ordered a small bag of the new, cholesterol-free popcorn.


“I’m sorry,” the counter person said. “It only comes in the ‘child’ size.”

“Why?” we asked.

“Because most people who order it come back a few minutes later and say it tastes awful,” she said.


A colleague reports that over the weekend, several roulette players at the Flamingo Hilton in Las Vegas were observed putting their chips on No. 32--the numeral that a jailed football great wore at USC. And while the wheel spun, they would chant, “O.J.! O.J.!” For luck?
