
Resolution Would Make Judges Learn About Domestic Violence

Times Staff Writer

Spurred by the O.J. Simpson case, the Assembly has approved a resolution requiring judges to learn more about the importance of domestic violence cases.

A 42-8 vote sent the resolution (ACR 1) by Assemblyman Bob Epple (D-Cerritos), the chairman of the Public Safety Committee, to the Senate for further screening.

Judges would have to attend a one-day domestic violence training session every year under the measure.


Epple said Simpson was given a light sentence by a judge in a 1989 domestic violence case involving his now-slain ex-wife that included a $200 fine, psychiatric counseling conducted over the telephone and community service work that was not completed.

The prosecution had asked for Simpson to receive 30 days in county jail, three years probation, a fine, one year of participation in a batterers’ program, and to give money to a shelter for battered mates.

“The judge was not familiar with domestic violence,” the assemblyman told his colleagues. “He felt it was a family matter.”



* Signed into law a bill (SB 1533) by Sen. Dan McCorquodale (D-Modesto) to require poultry advertised and sold as “fresh” by markets to be just that and not pre-frozen.


Floor Action

* Unmarried Couples: Reversed itself and sent to the Assembly on a 21-16 vote a bill (SB 2061) by Sen. Gary K. Hart (D-Santa Barbara) allowing extension of health care benefits to registered gay and other unmarried couples employed by local governmental agencies that have contracts with the state retirement system.

* Volunteer School Police: Passed and sent to the governor on a 35-0 vote a bill (SB 281) by Sen. Ruben S. Ayala (D-Chino) to authorize local school boards to establish unpaid volunteer police reserve corps to supplement salaried school police forces.


* Tobacco Products: Rejected on a 20-16 vote a bill (SB 1271) by Hart to eliminate a multimillion-dollar tax provision that lets tobacco companies write off product advertising and promotional expenses.

Committee Action

* Absentee Voters: The Elections Committee approved a bill (AB 2446) by Assemblywoman Debra Bowen (D-Marina del Rey) to allow registered voters to apply for permanent absentee voter status. A 5-2 vote sent the bill to the Appropriations Committee.

* Legislative Stand-Ins: The Elections Committee rejected a constitutional amendment (SCA 40) by Sen. Gary K. Hart (D-Santa Barbara) to let state legislative candidates select an alternate to run with them and replace them in case of a vacancy. No motion was made to move the measure.

* Parental Liability: The Judiciary Committee approved a bill (AB 308) by Assemblyman Dean Andal (R-Stockton) to increase from $10,000 to $25,000 the amount for which a parent is liable for the malicious destruction of property by a child. An 8-1 vote sent the bill to the Appropriations Committee.
