
Divided Over RV Park

At the recent city council meeting regarding the proposed Port Hueneme RV park, many of us left with feelings of deep concern over the bitter divisiveness here in our city. Nasty comments and jeers from both sides have been continually swapped in the long and intense battle. Our local residents that live right in front of the proposed site have experienced extreme property devaluation since the issue began, and in the event the RV park does go through, their values will most likely take an additional 30% decrease. This ongoing battle has cut deeply into the heart of our town and I fear that it will continue for many years to come as homeowners steadily lose their lifelong investments. It is definitely inflicting unforgiving emotional scars and financial distress.

The people I used to smile at and say hello to in town now exchange angry glares, and we avoid one another like the plague. We have our city leaders to thank for this. Instead of building a city that stands united, they have succeeded in making neighbors and fellow citizens enemies. They may as well have driven a stake through this town’s heart. I miss the way things used to be.


Port Hueneme
