
Experts to Speak on State Fiscal Crisis

Two experts on the California budget will discuss the state’s chronic fiscal problems at a public meeting today with Ventura County and city officials.

Sue North, from the nonprofit California Citizens Budget Commission, will address spending patterns that contribute to constant deficits. Kevin Scott, a consultant and former budget “watchdog,” will examine revenue problems created by the tax system.

The state’s financial difficulties affect local governments, stripping the county, cities and school districts of revenue they are counting on for their budgets.


Last week, Gov. Pete Wilson announced additional cuts that could force communities to turn over more property tax revenue and could dip into federal funds the communities use for health care programs.

The county begins its budget hearings today with preliminary projections from Chief Administrative Officer Richard Wittenberg. The governor’s new spending cuts could add millions to the county budget deficit, which already stands at $16 million.

The board, as well as city officials from around the county, will hear from the two consultants at 5 p.m. today in the Board of Supervisors hearing room at the government center.
