
Nudge From Wife Helped Kim Concede MIA Issue to Carter

<i> Associated Press</i>

North Korean leader Kim Il Sung at first rejected former President Jimmy Carter’s proposal to turn over remains of U.S. servicemen from the Korean War. Then came the nod from Kim’s wife, Kim Jong Ae.

“OK,” the Great Leader told Carter. “It’s done. It’s done.”

Carter relayed the deal-making moment to reporters with a chuckle, part of a 90-minute interview full of wide-eyed optimism.

“He said we can include that in future negotiations. I said that’s not what I’m asking for,” Carter said, perched at the edge of a flowery chair in a downtown hotel suite.


“Then his wife broke in and told him he should do it, which I thought was very nice,” Carter said. “She is a very attractive lady.”

Just like that, the deal was done.

U.S. officials are now busy trying to confirm whether Kim intends to carry out the promise, along with several others Carter said he secured on last week’s trip to North Korea.
