
Statement in Morgan Case Indefensible

* The Times quoted Orange County Deputy Defender Stephen J. Biskar (saying) that he is concerned that the media and public interest will jeopardize his client’s ability to receive a fair trial (“Sex Attack Revealed in Morgan Case,” May 26).

Biskar said, “This media storm reminds me of the Romans cheering as the lions are eating the Christians.” The murder suspect and four-time rapist Edward Patrick Morgan Jr. is definitely not a “Christian.” And we, the good and law-abiding people, are by no means “lions.”

I hope Mr. Biskar will please get real. To be lenient to criminals is to be cruel to ourselves and our loved ones. To let a criminal have a second “strike” is to allow one more victim to be brutalized.



Huntington Beach

* The statement of Deputy Public Defender Stephen J. Biskar, who represents accused rapist/murderer Edward P. Morgan Jr., that “this media storm reminds me of the Romans cheering as the lions are eating the Christians,” is like so many statements made by the attorneys these days--100% upside down. The so-called “storm” he hears comes from the oppressed (the “Christians” cheering as the lions turn on the oppressors, the “Romans”).


Huntington Beach
