
Electorate Giving Judges a Free Ride

* I was shocked by the article (“Electorate Is Being Denied Right to Vote,” May 30) about the number of judges being returned to office with the electorate being kept deliberately unaware of the situation.

I have checked with the Orange County registrar’s office, and it appears that in Orange County 17 Superior Court judges and nine Municipal Court judges are getting a free ride for another six years. The Superior Court judges receive about $99,000 per year and the Municipal Court judges about $90,000 per year, plus perks and retirement.

I realize that many people feel that the judiciary should not be politicized, but in California it already is. Apparently attorneys are loath to run against sitting judges, even if they feel they can do a better job.


Clearly, we should have the right to confirm (or not) a judge returning to another term.

A judge behaving with propriety and who interprets the law, but does not make law, would have no worry. But the California economy doesn’t need another sinecure or political-plum reward--we do need efficient courts.


Laguna Beach
