
SUMMER ALBUM ROUNDUP : ** SPIN DOCTORS, “Turn It Upside Down”; <i> Epic</i>

Suggested warning label: “Not to Be Listened to While Not Under the Influence of Weed.” Nowhere else has the harmonic convergence between vintage lame-hippie rock and “alternative” Gen X riffing been so obvious as in the Spinsters’ short oeuvre , of which this is the second studio album. The Woodstock vibe got buried in the pet semetary and came back as . . . twentysomething goofballs parlaying the pleasant major-key guitars of Deadhead-ism and Steve Miller’s lazy-pop sensibilities into modern multiplatinum success? (The dream is alive.)

In some circles, the shock of the old passing for new is cause for consternation. And certainly it’s easy to listen to a pot-headed song like “More Than Meets the Ear” (“Stars and planets in the sky / Each of these are singing tunes / And listening are autumn moons / And in these tunes are more than meets the ear”) and fear for the future of the republic.

In fact, the album is as inoffensive as it is unexciting--a serviceable, low-key, jam-happy party record whose overwhelming good nature provides a minor tonic for all the garment-rending anguished-teen competition. At least there’s a strong band identity happening here, if misguidedly sober inspection turns up even less than meets the ear.

New albums are rated on a scale of one star (poor) to four (excellent).
