
School Commuters

I read with considerable interest and agreement Steven Sample’s column on the region’s hidden economic engine--its colleges and universities (Opinion, May 22).

He points out that the 175 accredited institutions are attended by over 1 million students and support 120,000 full-time jobs. I also agree that these universities and colleges should keep us a forward-thinking region.

Therefore, as chairman of the Central City Assn.’s Transportation Committee, permit me to suggest a forward-thinking idea. To relieve congestion on our freeway system and at the same time reduce air pollution, how about the colleges and universities altering their regular class hours so that all those commuting students and staff are off the road during peak traffic periods?


Have you noticed how the freeway flow improves in June and congests again in September? As a close friend paraphrased it, “Let the students sleep.” Whoever enjoyed those 8 a.m. classes anyway?


Los Angeles
