
Money Doesn’t Make a Candidate Qualified

* I would like politely to take issue with a few of the points in your May 14 story on my status as the lead Republican candidate in the 24th Congressional District (“Sybert War Chest Filled With His Own Cash”).

It is not money that I am using to “overwhelm” my political opponents, as the article suggests. All the money in the world won’t help you if you’re not right on the issues and square with the voters. If I am winning, it is because I am the best-qualified candidate.

Contrary to your article, my fund-raising has not been “modest,” despite the fact that I have deliberately held off because of our earthquake woes. Nevertheless, I have raised--outside of my own funds--three times as much as my closest competitor, and 12 times as much as the liberal incumbent, Anthony Beilenson (D-Woodland Hills).


Finally, I cannot leave unchallenged the misleading statement in the article by one of my primary opponents that he will counter my support with “his many years residing in the district and activism in Republican circles.” The gentleman moved here in 1985 from Kansas and then failed to vote or even register in almost every election until 1992, not what I would call much in the way of either residency or activism. By contrast, I was born here.


Woodland Hills

Sybert is a candidate for the Republican nomination to Congress in the 24th District.
