
Television: Providing Public Access on Cable

In reference to the April 21 article by Scott Collins regarding public-access TV (“Commercial Appeal”), the specific purpose of the Gardena Community Access Corp. is to provide assistance to the general public, such as coordinating the usage and programming of two community access cable television channels within the city of Gardena.

While one can argue that public access has not become “the electronic soapbox” that would put mass media in the hands of the masses and invigorate democracy, public access does give every citizen an opportunity to express ideas.

Recently, the Gardena Community Access Corp., in conjunction with the municipal election, produced four commercial inserts to be aired on networks to promote participation in the municipal election. The corporation also provided live cablecasting of the candidates forum and subsequently replayed the tape on a community access cable television channel to provide information to the community. On the night of the election, the corporation provided live coverage of election returns, thereby giving community members an opportunity to see democracy in action.


In Gardena, with the wealth of community cultural events and youth sports programming, public access is serving a worthwhile purpose.


Hardie is Gardena Cable Usage Corp. chairwoman.
