
Dispute Over Community Name Is Still Unresolved

The editorial “The Name Game Has Crossed the Line” (April 3) said the western half of Selpulveda had been renamed North Hills by the residents.

This is inaccurate, as the residents of the portion known by some of us as the disputed area (between Roscoe Boulevard, Plummer Street, Balboa Boulevard and Bull Creek) never agreed to that change of name, and most residents refuse to use that designation.

Instead, because Los Angeles city maps clearly indicate that this area is part of Northridge, most of the residents have been in a long fight with the post office because it would not allow us to use the name Northridge.


This issue still has not been resolved to the satisfaction of many of us. As a result, some have continued to use Sepulveda as the mailing address.

If that name now disappears from usage, we will be back at square one, not knowing how to give anyone a proper address that is acceptable to the residents and the post office.


