
Don’t Think of Pigeons as ‘Roaches of the Sky’

In response to Glendale’s plan to trap and kill pigeons: There are alternatives to this ill-conceived plan.

Birth control substances can be placed into feed. Plaster owls can be placed on rooftops where pigeons gather. Netting can be effectively used on certain roosting areas.

To exterminate all pigeons based upon the erroneous assumption that they are “roaches of the sky” and carriers of disease is both ludicrous and cruel.


What proof does the city of Glendale have that pigeons carry disease? Is the evidence great enough to condemn an entire species?

Are these strategies based on science, or are they structured to appease a small, self-interested minority?

Has the city of Glendale considered the emotions of the many citizens who enjoy pigeons, who enjoy feeding and caring for them, and who would be outraged to see them senselessly destroyed?



