
VOICE Delighted Over More Parkland

* Bill and Janet Dillon opposed the purchase of Canyon Oaks property for parkland, and they say Viewridge and upper Topanga residents “overwhelmingly favor plans for development” (Letters, March 27).

The Viewridge Owners Involved in the Community and Environment has fought the Canyon Oaks development for six years, and the Homeowners Assn. of Viewridge Estates decided to remain neutral. At various times, VOICE canvassed the neighborhood for signatures on petitions, and we believe that about 75% of Viewridge opposes Canyon Oaks.

Our friends in Glenview, which borders Canyon Oaks property on the other side, tell us that only one or two households have not come forward to express opposition to the development. In the trailer park next to us, Top of Topanga, a recent survey showed 91% opposing the project.


The overwhelming majority in upper Topanga as well as the rest of the community dared to hope for something better than a development that would have bulldozed away the natural features and totally destroyed the upper Topanga watershed. To have this beautiful land saved for parkland is a dream come true. For a $55,000 fee, a few people could have enjoyed playing golf. Now everyone can enjoy upper Topanga, whether they just drive by and admire the view, or stop awhile and hike the scenic trails.

VOICE supports the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy. We are delighted at the prospect of more parkland so close to the city, and we look forward to being good neighbors.



Petermann is chairman of Viewridge Owners Involved in the Community and Environment.
