
Burbank Airport Stories Are Following a Pattern

* The Times Valley Edition allows itself to be used as a pawn to spread the propaganda of the Burbank Airport.

The last time the Burbank Airport faced a possible adverse decision, The Times ran an article titled “The Freeways Above Us,” which, in part, attempted to explain why flights from Burbank Airport had to depart to the southwest (of course, the article could not and did not explain how the airport was able to have all flights depart to the east when the north-south runway was closed).

Now, after the airport received another adverse judicial decision, The Times ran “Burbank Airport Expansion Plans Taking Off” (Feb. 27).


The article failed to note that both the state trial court and appellate court have blocked the airport’s expansion because the airport has not complied with state law. In other words, the expansion is not “taking off” at all. (And, given the fact that, as reported by The Times, landings and takeoffs have decreased, it appears that the airport need not expand).

One would think that The Times would at least tell about relevant rulings made by estate courts when reporting on this story.


Valley Village
