
A summary of selected City Hall actions...

A summary of selected City Hall actions this past week affecting Central Los Angeles.


* HOUSING PROJECT: Authorized the Housing Department to execute a loan agreement, not to exceed $1.1 million, between the city and the nonprofit Interdenominational Community Development Corp. to construct a 46-unit family housing project at 1775-1807 W. Adams Blvd. The housing will replace a vacant lot and an abandoned print shop that burned during the 1992 riots.

* HOUSING REHABILITATION: Authorized the city Housing Department to select a local development corporation to offer housing rehabilitation services to the Florence Avalon Rehabilitation Project Area--bounded by Avalon Boulevard and Florence, Manchester and Vermont avenues--and the Slauson Avalon Rehabilitation Project Area--bounded by Martin Luther King Jr. and Avalon boulevards, Florence Avenue and the Harbor Freeway. About $1.1 million will be available for each area to provide technical assistance to owners of single-family homes and rental property who want to bring their properties up to building code standards.

* REPAIR WORK: Authorized the Community Development Department and the Department of General Services to spend $81,000 to repair the Aliso-Pico Multipurpose Center and the Greater Watts Child Care Center.


* STREET CLOSURES: Approved the following street closures on May 7, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., due to the third annual Watts Latino-African American Cinco de Mayo Parade and Fiesta: Success Avenue between Century Boulevard and 103rd Street, 103rd Street between Success and Wilmington avenues, Wilmington Avenue between 103rd Street and Santa Ana Boulevard North, and Santa Ana Boulevard North between Wilmington and Weigand avenues.


How South-Central and Eastside City Council representatives voted on selected issues. * POLICE RECRUITMENT: Approved a motion to change the Police Department’s annual hiring goal for women to 43% from 30% of all hires. The motion also calls for a transfer of $250,000 from the Police Department to the city Personnel Department to increase female recruitment activities. Women now make up 15% of the police force. Passed 15-0. Voting yes: Richard Alatorre, Jackie Goldberg, Mike Hernandez, Nate Holden, Mark Ridley-Thomas, Rudy Svorinich Jr., Rita Walters.

* STREET VENDORS PERMITS: Approved the recommended fees submitted by the Board of Public Works for street vendors to obtain permits. The base yearly fee is $414, but with the additional fees, such as fingerprinting ($32), health permits ($162 to $354), business tax certificate ($119) and property damage insurance ($150 to $200), a hot dog vendor could spend up to $2,300 a year on permits. Passed 13-0. Voting yes: Goldberg, Hernandez, Holden, Ridley-Thomas, Svorinich, Walters. Absent: Alatorre.
