
Crossing-Dressing Officers Arrest 17 in Prostitution Sweep


Three cross-dressing officers from the Police Department’s Special Investigations Unit arrested 17 men Thursday night on suspicion of solicitation for prostitution and lewd conduct, Sgt. Bump Willis said.

The officers, although dressed in wigs and dresses, “are pretty big guys” and were “not even close” in appearance to women, Johnson said. “I didn’t expect them to get that many” solicitations.

The solicitors, who police said may have been looking for female prostitutes or may have been looking for cross-dressing men, were arrested during the six hours the officers were on the street.


“It’s a different play on the prostitution program,” Sgt. Joe A. Johnson said.

The operation was held on Garden Grove Boulevard between Magnolia Street and Beach Boulevard, after a prostitution sweep a few months ago aimed at female prostitutes turned up some male prostitutes. The area has had a prostitution problem for some time, police said.

Johnson said that once cross-dressing prostitutes are arrested in an area, word goes out to others that the area is unsafe.
