
Has Spirituality Been Sapped Out of Organized Religion?

Michael Haederle’s piece concerning the problems of spirituality facing Native Americans and non-Indians was provocative (“Spirited Away,” March 31). He also brought to light the lack of spirituality found in organized religion and the fact that there is indeed a vast difference between religion and spirituality.

For better or worse, organized religion, as it has come to be known, tends to be nothing more than an institution built upon the concepts of manipulation and control. It is based on black-and-white thinking: “Do this and you will go to heaven. Don’t do this and you will go to hell.” There is nothing in this neat little package that allows for a exploration into the spirituality of the individual.

Further, it avows that the human race is the end-all and be-all of the infinite Creator’s power and grace, setting mankind above and apart from the rest of Creation. Nothing could be further from the truth and leads to the reasons why so many non-Indians are seeking out the spiritual teachings and practices of Native Americans.



Long Beach


What a pity that after so many centuries of white arrogance and cultural oppression of Native American peoples and their religious practices that now, when there is genuine interest on the part of non-Native Americans into Native American nature-based spirituality, that the same arrogance and self-importance is reflected back.

One would have thought that Native Americans would welcome interest into their ways and beliefs, that such interest could serve as a healing bridge.

Surely, no one wants beliefs they hold sacred to be trivialized or trampled. But is it not better to play the role of a guide to those interested so that the process of education and teaching respect for the forms may be begun rather than defensively erecting physical and cultural barriers so that others cannot glean some insight into the special relationship Native Americans have with nature?



Los Angeles
