
Handshake Ban Sets Bad Example for Athletes

* It was disturbing to read the story (March 25) about the banning of handshakes after high school sporting events.

The emphasis on winning at all costs has taken precedence over the enjoyment and learning experience derived from the competition itself.

What message and lesson is being taught by an adult, a coach in this case, who says he isn’t sure “if someone is beating you pretty good that you want to go shake hands?” Maybe someone who feels that way is taking winning and losing a little too personally.


Just as learning and accepting the word “no” is important for an infant or child, realizing that for every winner someone has to lose is also a valuable, if sometimes painful, lesson.

Maybe even more so, as it can teach a person character and humility and often inspires perseverance and the willingness to keep trying.

Shouldn’t a student athlete be taught to strive to be the best, prepare well and train hard to become better, and feel bad only when he or she doesn’t give the best effort? The reality is that sometimes the other guy is just better than you are.



Sherman Oaks
