
CHATSWORTH : Pool Hall Granted Zoning Ban Reprieve

A pool hall that was issued at least two city permits and was in business several months before building inspectors determined it was in the wrong zone won a temporary reprieve from a city zoning official Monday.

Saying he was inclined to allow Bully’s Billiards to stay in business, but needed more information before deciding, city Associate Zoning Administrator Daniel Green took the case under advisement. He will make a final ruling later this summer.

Bully’s owner, Joan Urrutia, is applying for a variance to allow the business to remain at 21623 Devonshire St. The step was forced upon her after building inspectors belatedly informed her the business is in a zone that specifically bans pool halls.


Urrutia testified at Monday’s hearing that she had been surprised to learn her nine-table pool hall was illegal--especially since the city Planning Department had approved both a pool-hall permit for it from the Police Commission, and a business license from the city clerk.

Green said it seemed apparent that the Planning Department had made a mistake.

Pauline Amond, a land-use consultant for Bully’s, said the city’s mistake would damage Urrutia financially if the pool hall were to be shut down.

“They certainly would never have leased the property and spent $100,000 on improvements on this if they hadn’t been given a business license,” she said. Urrutia bought furniture and revamped the electric system in the pool hall, Amond said.


One neighbor, Thomas Pick, said he was concerned the pool hall was contributing to parking problems in the area, but no one else opposed the variance.

Amond argued that the pool-hall ban in the zoning code was aimed at limiting liquor sales. Bully’s sells no alcohol. Green said he would consider allowing Bully’s to remain, subject to review at the time its five-year lease expires in December of 1997.
