
STUDIO CITY : Mall Builder Asks for Zoning Rule Exception

The developer of a Studio City mini-mall, already embroiled in disputes over traffic improvements, has asked for special permission to violate several zoning regulations.

While Laurel Promenade officials said the exceptions to zoning rules are minor, a representative of a residents association that has battled the development said her group would probably oppose at least one of the requests.

The mall has been the scene of several protests by residents angry that promised traffic improvements have not been made before a tenant was allowed to open for business.


Developer Ira Smedra’s most recent request was for permission to use larger signs and to open a ground-floor restaurant.

“These are minor exceptions,” said Tom Henry, planning deputy for Los Angeles City Councilman Joel Wachs. “I hope these concerns don’t get confused with the controversy over the street improvements.”

A spokesman for the mall developer agreed.

“We figure it’s pretty rudimentary,” said Ira Handelman, speaking on behalf of Smedra. “We feel providing these services on the ground level is good for the neighborhood and consistent with the plan.” But an officer in a homeowner group was skeptical.


“We’d like to solve first things first,” said Polly Ward, vice president of the Studio City Residents Assn., a group that has pressed the developer for traffic improvements at the intersection of Ventura and Laurel Canyon boulevards. “It’s like, wait a minute, we haven’t even solved the first problem and now you’re making more requests.”

Ward said the leadership of the association has not formally discussed the requests, but she said as a rule, the association sticks by the original plan.

“Giving exceptions here and exceptions there will tear the plan apart,” she said.

The developer has argued to the city that blocking the occupancy permits could lead to mall tenants terminating their leases. Handelman said talks will take place next week with the association.
