
SOUTH : Brighton Avenue Renaming Opposed

The proposed renaming of a stretch of Brighton Avenue in honor of businessman Bill Stennis has angered many residents of the street and they are protesting the change.

City Council gave initial approval June 16 to a proposal by Councilman Mark Ridley-Thomas to turn Brighton Avenue between Adams and Jefferson boulevards into Stennis Avenue. Stennis, who died in May, is the founder of the Golden Bird restaurant chain that includes an outlet at Adams Boulevard and Brighton Avenue.

Phyllis Williams, who has lived on the street for more than 20 years, said the residents are angry at Ridley-Thomas for not holding public hearings before making the proposal. “We didn’t know anything about it until we read it in the papers,” said Williams.


She said residents have gathered more than 75 signatures protesting the change, held a community meeting to discuss the issue and plan to organize a rally. Williams said many longtime residents want the street name to remain because they are familiar with it.

Ridley-Thomas said the procedure for renaming of the street has not been completed. Before final approval is given, the city attorney must prepare an ordinance requesting the change and the city engineering office must study the proposal, Ridley-Thomas said.

He said public hearings will also be scheduled and at least one will be in the Brighton Avenue area.
