
<i> Rex</i> -n-Effects

Dinosaur physiology errors aside, “Jurassic Park” is riddled with dino-sized blunders and curiosities of a more technical nature (“Dinologists Aren’t Saur, but ‘Jurassic Park’ Gets DNA Docs’ Amber Up,” by Thomas H. Maugh II, June 20):

* When the guests’ vehicles first approach the Tyrannosaurus rex paddock, rain begins to fall. In the very next shot, the sun is shining and the cars are bone dry.

* Before the T. rex ‘s attack, the door is left open on the driver’s side of the leading vehicle. The door is closed in subsequent long shots, only to be closed by the character Tim in a later close-up.


* As the T. rex overturns the kids’ car, supporting cables are clearly visible on the side of the vehicle.

* In the kitchen, when the velociraptor charges toward young Lexy’s reflection, the angle shifts perspective and the approaching dinosaur’s reflection does not appear.

* When John Hammond refers to the opening of Disneyland, he cites the year 1956. Disneyland opened July 17, 1955.


* A recurring theme in John Williams’ score is uncannily reminiscent of an old car commercial, “See the U.S.A. in Your Chevrolet,” as sung by Dinah Saur--er, Shore.

Add the countless paleontological inaccuracies to the list, and one might more fittingly rename the film “Juras(sic) Park”!


Los Angeles



Maugh’s article only showed that perhaps these “dinologists” are excavating too deeply between the lines. It is unfortunate to see that scientists are a bit “saur” over Steven Spielberg’s “Jurassic Park” and its creator, novelist Michael Crichton. These scientists have obviously overlooked one very important artifact--it’s only a movie!


Spielberg has once again done a phenomenal job at what he does best: entertaining audiences with his creative and astonishing filmmaking. Only he could have brought the novel to the big screen.

As for Crichton’s work being “hostile to science,” it seems to me that if these scientists would like to dig up further findings regarding the book’s authenticity, here’s a clue: It’s in the fiction section of your local bookstore.




It’s great to see Sam Neill with a lead role in a major picture (“Breakthrough? Who, Me?” by Hilary de Vries, June 13).

It’s too bad Steven Spielberg didn’t realize there were actors in “Jurassic Park” as well as special effects.

Never has so little been done with so much talent. Oh, well, there’s always “The Piano.”


