
BEVERLY HILLS : 2 Men Get Life Terms for Killing Ex-Official’s Son

Two men were sentenced Friday to life in prison without possibility of parole for slaying the 17-year-old son of a former Malibu City Councilwoman.

Ian Duncan, 20, and Jude DeJesus, 26, told a Beverly Hills jury that the victim, Justin Zeitsoff, pulled a gun on them.

But the prosecution argued that the two men meant to kill Zeitsoff when they lured him to Duncan’s Van Nuys home on the night of Feb. 19, 1992.


Zeitsoff’s body was found two days later in the trunk of his luxury automobile, which had been parked outside the Greystone Mansion in Beverly Hills. He was the son of former Malibu Councilwoman Missy Zeitsoff.

Duncan was motivated by revenge for an illegal gun deal that went bad, Deputy Dist. Atty. Richard Stone told the jury during the trial, which concluded June 4. He hired DeJesus to kill Zeitsoff, the prosecution said.
