
Police Capture 6 Men, Wound 3 After Drive-By Shooting

Police shot and wounded three suspected gang members early Sunday, chasing down their car after they saw one man lean out the window and shoot a pedestrian, police said.

Two men were in critical condition Sunday. Police opened fire when the men wheeled on the officers and pointed guns at them, said Officer Don Cox, Los Angeles police spokesman. A third man, wounded in the buttocks, was treated and released into police custody, said Cox. The officers were unhurt.

The three uniformed officers, two from the anti-gang CRASH unit, were in a car next to MacArthur Park shortly after midnight when they saw six men, whom they identified as gang members, in a car driving down 6th Street. A passenger in front leaned out of the window and over the roof to fire shots at a pedestrian, who collapsed, said Cox.


Police chased the car along side streets to South Kenmore Avenue. Two of the six turned and aimed at the officers, said Cox, and were shot. Two more were arrested nearby. Two others were found in the elevator shaft of an apartment building.

All six men were booked on suspicion of attempted murder.
