
Italians Wake Up to a Tax Nightmare

<i> Associated Press</i>

So you think your taxes are a headache? Come to Italy.

An 84-year-old retiree nearly plunged 11 floors to his death trying to measure his balcony so he could dutifully calculate a new property tax.

The former owner of a smoke shop passed out in the office of her income tax preparers when she found out she owed $25,000 in taxes, which were due Friday.

In an attempt to crack down on income tax evasion and raise badly needed money, the Finance Ministry this year came up with a more detailed, 14-page tax form--28 if you count the mandatory duplicate copy, since photocopies aren’t accepted.


Among the questions asked: Do you own horses? What’s the size of your car’s engine? Do you have a maid?

Parliament last week gave taxpayers another month to pay--with a penalty of only 1% to 3%. But a month from now, the penalty returns to the whopping 40% late fee.

Politicians, nervous about the galloping successes in local elections this month by the anti-tax Northern League party, suddenly are rushing belatedly to pay attention to the plight of citizens facing Italy’s 191 taxes, ranging from levies on driving licenses to garbage.
