
‘JURASSIC PARK’ LETTERS : A Time When Dinosaurs Really Rule the Earth

I’m sick and tired of people moaning about “Jurassic Park” (“Experts See ‘Jurassic Park,’ Discuss the Fear Factor,” June 17). The film is not violent in the sense of blood and gore, but it is very intense and loud. It also happens to make a tremendous point: Don’t mess around with Mother Nature. She’ll just turn around and eat you.

If parents would pay more attention to the facts, their complaints would die in their throats.

* PG-13: The ratings board came up with this rating for a reason--”Parents strongly cautioned: Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13.” That’s very clear to me. It should be clear to parents as well.


* Spielberg: Because this is a Steven Spielberg film doesn’t automatically mean it’s for kids.

* Responsibility: Why should everyone else be responsible for what kids see but their parents?

* Merchandising: Dinosaurs have been interesting to kids since they were first discovered. In the last few years, that interest has risen dramatically.


So get real, people! Take responsibility for your own children instead of making the film the “bad guy.” Go see it first if you’re unsure, read the reviews, call the studio to ask or watch with your kids and answer their questions.


Los Angeles


Kenneth Turan is usually very perceptive. Yet the moral of Michael Crichton and Steven Spielberg’s “Jurassic Park” soared over his head like a pterodactyl--the moral that Man Will Screw Things Up (“Picking Some Big Bones With ‘Jurassic,’ ” June 11).

“Jurassic Park” is all about extinction, past for dinosaurs, possibly coming for humans foolish enough to mess around with nature. The premise turns ironic when one realizes that our species is unique in that, no matter how successful we become at breeding, feeding and defending ourselves, the only thing that will save us from extinction is vision. And it’s axiomatic that vision entails risk.


“Jurassic Park” is a provocative thriller well worth seeing. But is there no reviewer to challenge its “lesson” that human vision isn’t worth the risk? Nope, all you visionary entrepreneurs, scientists, dreamers, pioneers, would-be forgers of the future--you might as well just get a job at 7-Eleven and to hell with it. Otherwise, the more you risk and accomplish, the more you screw things up; you should never have tried. Just look at what happened on Isla Nublar.


How could a guy like Turan have missed that point?




The reason “Jurassic” will make so much money is that everyone will see it. And the reason everyone will go is because it’s fun. It’s a summer roller-coaster, a trip to the circus, a respite from the heat and the recession and all of our concerns. Basically, it is what movies were intended to be: escape.


North Hollywood


In all the commentary about “Jurassic Park” The Times has published, I haven’t noticed mention of one of the better jokes in recent movie history, which I believe I saw for a second in the film:

As the Jeep carrying the protagonists tries to escape from a ferocious T. rex attack, we are shown a brief shot of the driver looking in his side mirror just as the dinosaur lunges toward the vehicle--and on the bottom of the mirror it says, “Objects in Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear.”


Granada Hills


One must admire the audacity of MCA/Universal for the flagrancy of their hypocrisy concerning “Jurassic Park” (“Scarysaurus: Is ‘Jurassic Park’ for Kids?,’ ” June 10). According to Amblin marketing vice president Brad Globe, “We have been very careful not to create the impression that this movie is for young children.”

Any American consumer not in a coma for the last several weeks has already been witness to a merchandising blitz that directly targets these same young children. If you want to make a film dealing with dinosaurs for mature viewers, that’s fine--but don’t pretend you haven’t known exactly what audience market you’ve been fostering with your advance campaign.

I have a suggestion for MCA Motion Picture Group chairman Thomas J. Pollock: Take some of the profits you’re certain to make on “Jurassic Park,” hire a writer and authorize the making of an action-adventure utilizing these technical wonders that will be entertaining and appropriate for the children longing for such a story. It seems like the least you could do.



Newbury Park


I know that “Jurassic Park” is a huge economic success. The special effects are fabulous. It also has a message telling us humans that with all of our brilliance, we are destroying the ecology.

But there must be a better way to make the point. This movie is frightening, and no child under age 14 should see it. “Jurassic Park” overwhelms our senses and has destructive potential for persons whose aggression and anxiety levels are poorly regulated.


Assoc. Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, UCLA School of Medicine

Los Angeles


For the life of me I cannot understand why the big deal concerning children below age 12 or so viewing “Jurassic Park.” While I was a kid in the 1950s, there were a whole slew of dinosaur movies being offered, and, in fact, just as technologically real to the youth of that era as today’s trick photography is to this generation.

It seems to me that the youngsters of today are indeed a lot more concerned with current real-life happenings, rather than allowing themselves to get bent out of shape over a make-believe story involving overgrown lizards.




I loved the movie, and here are some reasons why: All the actors were fantastic, superb, great! The dinosaurs looked so real that you couldn’t tell that they were done by computer animation. Even though I haven’t finished the book, my personal opinion is that the screenplay is better!

I can’t tell you too much about what happens, so you’ll have to see it for yourself. I only want to say that children under age 10 should not see this movie because it is truly terrifying! Please take its PG-13 rating seriously: If you have kids who love Barney, don’t think they’ll like “Jurassic Park.”





Sometimes critics seem like such snobs! Once in a while, I wish critics would just sit back, relax and have a good time, because that’s what “Jurassic Park” provides--an enormously good time! Watching “Jurassic Park” was a lot like riding on a roller coaster for a full two hours. My husband and I were scared out of our wits by dinosaurs, and we loved every minute of it.

However, all through the movie, I knew I should have been thinking to myself, “Gosh, Laura Dern’s character sure seems one-dimensional” or “Gee, I wish Sam Neill’s role had more meat” and “Oh, boy, this story line seems kinda weak!”

No, instead I was too busy gripping the edges of my seat--too busy having fun.


Chino Hills
