
Norton Simon

* I read your article (“Industrialist, Art Collector Norton Simon Dies at 86,” June 4) and editorial (June 5) concerning the death of Norton Simon. Although you mentioned in detail his business career and art collection, I was unable to find any mention of his service and significance as a regent of the University of California. During his time on the board, and especially during the late ‘60s, Norton Simon was the most liberal, open-minded and outstanding spokesman for student rights and academic freedoms against a Board of Regents packed with Reagan conservative appointees such as William French Smith and Mrs. Randolph Hearst. In particular, I would cite his positions during the so-called Angela Davis affair at UCLA, and there were many other instances you could have mentioned.

Norton Simon’s longstanding service to the University of California (which also included an attempt to leave his entire art collection to UCLA) and its students deserves some mention.


La Canada Flintridge
