
People Weren’t Fooled on Card Club

* As to the Cypress Proposition A (card club) results, the people have spoken; God bless the people. And hurrah for the pizza parlor team who spearheaded the defeat of 24-hour cardsharp gambling in Cypress!

Sixty-four percent of us didn’t kowtow to the racetrack gang who sold our City Council a pie-in-the-sky, “I’ll build you whatever you want,” sales pitch. As for our local politicians--shame on you for whining and running to the gambling interest to solve Cypress’ problems. You’re dealing with responsible adults here. Too bad we can’t all crowd into the council chambers to hear your confessions regarding city problems.

Why don’t you try a system advocated by Ross Perot or President Clinton? Come out of chambers and talk to the people. We’ll attend any crisis-oriented meeting you’ll call. Put all those fiscal affairs on the table. Let your people decide how they can best solve Cypress’ problems. We might surprise you.


And if we don’t come up with plans for, or resist reasonable ways to obtain more police, provide for our senior citizens, see to our youth and keep our roads clean and in repair--then we deserve what we get!


