
Malibu : City Releases Parcel Map

The city has released a detailed map that shows parcel by parcel the effect of the Interim Zoning Ordinance on the zoning of properties.

The ordinance, which took effect March 26, is intended as a stopgap measure to regulate development until a citizens panel can complete the city’s General Plan later this year, city officials say.

The City Council agreed that a parcel map was needed to illustrate the interim ordinance after some residents complained that a more general land-use map was difficult to read on a parcel-by-parcel basis.


The parcel map is on display at City Hall for public review, and a workshop has been scheduled for 6:30 p.m. June 21 to discuss map changes and corrections proposed by the City Council.

Planning Director Bob Benard said five or six changes are anticipated, including a correction for some parcels on Malibu Road that were designated public open space but are in fact residential.
