
League Told It Can Use Ball Fields

Ventura County community college leaders Tuesday assured members of a girls softball league that they would be able to continue using Ventura College’s ball fields, dispelling concerns that the college is planning to turn the fields into a golf driving range.

Gregory P. Cole, president of the Ventura County Community College District board, said officials are not weighing any formal proposals to convert two softball diamonds at Campus Way and Telegraph Road into a commercial golf driving range.

Furthermore, a majority of board trustees said they do not favor developing a driving range as a way to raise money for the financially strapped college.


The trustees made their comments Tuesday night as more than 100 players with the Tri-Valley Girls Softball League and their parents showed up en masse to plead for continued use of the fields. About 500 girls use the fields during games and practice weekday evenings and Saturdays.

A golf range was first mentioned when the league sought to renew its five-year contract to continue using the fields. A college official had informally told league officials that the contract might not be renewed because of a proposal to turn the fields into a driving range.
