
Countdown to Election Day : 7 Days Left in the L.A. Mayoral Campaign : THE DAY IN REVIEW

How the mayoral candidates spent their day: Preparing for the final, furious week of campaigning, Richard Riordan picked up endorsements in the African-American and Latino communities Monday while Michael Woo continued to attack Riordan for drunk-driving arrests years ago. Campaigning in South-Central Los Angeles, Riordan received the support of the Rev. E.V. Hill of Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church and Celes King, state chairman of the Congress of Racial Equality. At a Memorial Day rally staged by Latino veterans on the city’s Eastside, Riordan won the backing of Assemblywoman Diane Martinez (D-Alhambra). During an appearance at the Jewish Home for the Aging in the San Fernando Valley, Woo sought to keep the spotlight on Riordan’s two drunk-driving arrests and a third arrest for interfering with a police officer. Later, Woo flew to San Francisco to attend a fund-raiser hosted by Asian-American supporters.


How the campaign was waged in the realm of advertising:

Woo has sent out a letter of support from Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Los Angeles) and mailers noting Riordan’s membership in exclusive clubs and featuring workers who blame Riordan for loss of their jobs. Riordan sent out a 16-page booklet featuring women supporters, letters of support from Joel Wachs and “Perot Supporters for Change,” and a glossy brochure highlighting his endorsement from Sheriff Sherman Block.

Riordan continues running a new TV ad featuring black, Jewish and female supporters seeking to rebut attacks made by Woo.



Some of the key events on the candidates’ schedules today: * Riordan and Woo will address the Valley Industry and Commerce luncheon in Warner Center at noon.

* Woo will announce endorsements from Jewish community leaders at a 9:30 a.m. Westside news conference.
