
Weekend Violence

The Times (May 25) reported that over the weekend 24 deaths by stabbing or shooting occurred in Los Angeles County. Unbelievable!

It makes me ask where is the war? It would be interesting to know what the tally was for killing during the same period in major U.S. cities and compare that figure with the number of killings for the same period in Bosnia. I wouldn’t be surprised if Americans were up to the task of matching the Serbs in the slaughter category.

Maybe we should implore President Clinton to get U.N. support to establish “safe havens” in our cities--particularly Los Angeles so that peaceful, law-abiding residents can stroll their neighborhoods, parks and beaches without the fear of being murdered.



Laguna Beach


I was watching and reading about the events that happened in Los Angeles over the weekend. Gang fights at a rock concert; drive-by shooting, a mother murdered; killings at a birthday party crashing; carjacking and numerous shootings. The total was 24. Added to this mayhem, two potential mayors insulting each other.

Rebuild L.A.--why?


Moreno Valley
