
Roberta Achtenberg

On May 25 you had an item regarding the confirmation of San Francisco Supervisor Roberta Achtenberg as the nation’s top fair housing official. You headed the item “Gay Nominee Confirmed.” You ignored the fact that she has all the qualifications for the job, and instead appealed to the worst bias levels of the public. You should be a leader in educating people to think higher than this.


Studio City


I take exception to your editorial regarding the appointment of Achtenberg to the HUD post (“Raising the Wrong Questions,” May 24). It is not her sexual orientation that concerns me so much as her militant activism regarding it. When it is reported that she regards the Boy Scouts of America as a threat to children, I become intolerant!

It seems to me the threat to the children rather belongs with her and it is time families become activists!





An article regarding Achtenberg’s nomination included comments from U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.).

In referring to Sen. Helms, the article called him an “arch-conservative.” I have never seen The Times refer to anyone on the left as an arch-liberal, arch-leftist, arch-socialist, arch-communist, or arch-anarchist.

Clearly, Ms. Achtenberg is an ultra-liberal leftist bent on the destruction of democracy (as we know it), and on traditional institutions such as the Boy Scouts of America. You should label her as you did Sen. Helms--with the appropriate negative prefix.



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