
In a recent episode of “Who’s the...

In a recent episode of “Who’s the Boss?,” the producers and writers did a great disservice to the nursing profession by depicting a stereotypical blond with minimal brains and ample bosom as Tony’s “private” nurse. For her to announce that she got into nursing after flunking out of beauty school because she couldn’t remember all the colors of nail polish made me cringe.

The issues faced by nursing today require the brightest, and most compassionate professionals. We are faced with the problem of trying to give the highest quality of care to the patient and still maintian cost-effective budgets. We are also faced with a nationwide nursing shortage. Most nurses accept these challenges because they truly care. While I enjoy a good laugh, I do think the producers have an obligation to viewers. How many of the young TV watchers who see “Who’s the Boss?” would consider going into the nursing profession after seeing that role model?

Diane Cooper, R.N., Los Angeles
