
West Hollywood : No Reprieve for McDonald’s

The City Council on Monday denied an appeal by McDonald’s Corp. to keep its golden arches at 1133 N. La Brea Ave. after a restaurant there is replaced with a larger eatery next year.

The Planning Commission last month gave McDonald’s permission to tear down the restaurant and put up another on the condition that the 60-foot-high golden arches come down in compliance with a city law governing new construction.

Doug Ring, an attorney for McDonald’s, told the council the sign was essential because a Carl’s Jr. restaurant next door to McDonald’s has a sign that by law will not have to be removed until 1996.


“We’re only asking for parity,” he said.

Although the council didn’t buy his argument, Councilman John Heilman offered some consolation. “If it makes you feel any better, Carl’s Jr. is no competition” to a Big Mac, he told Ring.
