
‘Why Contra Aid Must End’

The position taken in the editorial is well-stated and timely. But you barely scratch the surface.

Contra aid must end because it is anti-American. What right has this Administration to attempt to deny rights to the citizen of free Nicaragua by means of its proxy army of thugs and gangsters?

Contra aid must end because it supports immoral acts. This Administration’s so-called “low-intensity war” is no less than murder and assassination of civilians. Between Jan. 1, 1980, and Sept. 30, 1986, in addition to 17,991 Contra casualties, and 8,151 Nicaraguan military casualties, there were 8,637 civilian dead, wounded or kidnaped. This Administration is murdering innocents as it invokes its magical witch-hunting incantation--”The democratic Freedom Fighters are protecting us against the communist threat.”


Contra aid must end because three-quarters of the American public do not want it to continue.


Del Mar
