
San Marino : Weekend Park Use Studied

The City Council is studying a report on the three-month trial period this year when Lacy Park was opened to the public one Saturday a month. The council is expected to decide early next year whether to reopen the park on weekends.

City Manager John Nowak said several residents have asked for more weekend use of the park. They will be invited to discuss the issue at the Jan. 13 council meeting.

During the trial period, which began in August, fewer than 250 people used the park each Saturday it was open, Nowak said. The park has an estimated capacity of 1,000 users a day.


Lacy Park was closed on weekends several years ago because the city could not afford security and maintenance costs after the passage of Proposition 13. When the park was opened on Saturdays during the trial, residents were required to apply for tickets for free entry and non-residents were charged a small fee. The park is open daily during the week.
