
San Diego

The San Diego Unified Port District’s Board of Port Commissioners held a hearing Tuesday on a Lindbergh Field master plan for parking and asked for more information on costs from the consultants hired to create the plan.

The consultants--who have suggested a $31.7 million first-phase construction plan that would significantly alter the look of the airport by redesigning its interior road network--will return in mid-January with more information, including the cost of widening Harbor Drive to eight lanes.

While the wide-ranging discussion touched on four concepts under consideration, the bulk of the hearing focused on the consultants’ recommendation. The commissioners also want more information about how long it would take the Port District, which owns and operates the airport, to recoup the costs of construction, according to Dan Wilkens, spokesman for the district.


The Board of Port Commissioners could select one of the four concepts under consideration at the January meeting.
